Luna: The Shadow Dust is a fully hand-animated Point&Click puzzle adventure, brought to life through wordless storytelling, beautiful cinematics and a breathtaking original soundtrack.
Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is a 2.5D game inspired by Clock Tower and Fatal Frame. With careful attention to pacing, atmosphere and storytelling, Sense hopes to return the horror genre to its roots; celebrating the slow, fearful creep of dread instead of relying on over the top action and jump scares. The ghosts – as glitches on our reality – act as spiritual and paranormal threats, not monsters to be killed. The horror of our story comes from atmosphere and storytelling, not loud sound and artificial effects.
The Rewinder is an adventure puzzle game, based on Chinese mythology and folklore, featuring all sorts of monsters and deities (like the Black and the White, Ox-headed and Horse-faced raksasa, etc.). You play a special “agent” who helps the spirits of the dead achieve rebirth, to return to the living world.
Have you got what it takes to be a Wanba Warrior? Step into the absurd world of calligraphy combat and prepare to lay the smackdown upon all who dare to oppose you, dishing out damage with your chosen ink brush of brutality!
Utilizing hilarious swing-based fighting mechanics, in addition to a range of insane supernatural abilities, get ready to push your skills (and friendships!) to the limit as you fight to become the best there ever was.
The English localization of Sands of Salazar is still in progress. We apologize for not supporting English at the beginning of Early Access, and are grateful for your understanding! English support is one of our top priorities, and we aim to add it to the game ASAP. [/b]
This is a fantastical tale of an exotic land. The Old Empire which once ruled the desert has fallen, leaving various tribes to fight for control of their world. Little do they know of the seeds of darkness which grow in the shadows with each passing day…
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