Ummm I mean its not a bad list but pubg does not have a 100M plus activeplayerbase. Probably pubg mobile has a larger active playerbase rn. Active playerbasr is the amount of people who actively plays the game and not the amount of people who have bought the game. Do you know the matchmaking waittimess in some games. But I guess I might be in the wrong aswell since I did not confirm if pubg and the other games’s playerbase.
08.09.2024Ummm I mean its not a bad list but pubg does not have a 100M plus activeplayerbase. Probably pubg mobile has a larger active playerbase rn. Active playerbasr is the amount of people who actively plays the game and not the amount of people who have bought the game. Do you know the matchmaking waittimess in some games. But I guess I might be in the wrong aswell since I did not confirm if pubg and the other games’s playerbase.
20.12.2023Free fire left the chat 💀